Saturday, February 6, 2016

Music Was an Act of Creation-part 1

Music Was an Act of Creation-part 1
            Was music made as a part of God’s objective acts of creation?  Again I remind us that as Genesis 1:1 tells us, “In the beginning God created…”  We know from the words Elohiym bara eth (430,1254, 853)  in verse one that the supreme exceeding God absolutely made or created music from or of Himself.  Some Christian music philosophers have believed that since music is “of or from God” that it was always a part of His moral nature and therefore did not have to be created in His objective acts of creation.  They sometime use John 1:3, “All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made” as support for their belief by saying that God made things that needed to be made but He did not need to make music so He did not make it.  This faulty belief is predicated on the theory that since music was already in, of, or from God, it was part of his moral nature at the time of the creation and therefore without need of His creative work. 

          Was music made as a part of God’s objective acts of creation?  Again I remind us that as Genesis 1:1 tells us, “In the beginning God created…”  We know from the words Elohiym bara eth (430,1254, 853)  in verse one that the supreme exceeding God absolutely made or created music from or of Himself.  Some Christian music philosophers have believed that since music is “of or from God” that it was always a part of His moral nature and therefore did not have to be created in His objective acts of creation.  They sometime use John 1:3, “All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made” as support for their belief by saying that God made things that needed to be made but He did not need to make music so He did not make it.  This faulty belief is predicated on the theory that since music was already in, of, or from God, it was part of his moral nature at the time of the creation and therefore without need of His creative work. 

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