Saturday, February 27, 2016

Balance between Perfection & “Inspiration”—part 1

Balance between Perfection & “Inspiration”—part 1 

            One of my biggest challenges and responsibilities as a teacher is to keep a good balance in pacing the speed and progress of a student.  Kids need to stick with a song until they can play it cleanly and accurately.  But they go through seasons when they get bored with it all and they’d rather be out playing ball.  That’s when we start digging through stacks of music and pulling out something that brings a smile to their face!  Then they will practice their heads off--Because they are “inspired”. 
            “Inspiration” is important to God.  Think right now about one thing that inspires you – that gets you energized or excited or makes you want to take some action.  For me, sometimes it is a beautiful sunset.  Sometimes it‘s cleaning out a closet.  For some it’s a quiet fishing lake.  For my husband it is 400-page 19th century novels and huge volumes of Latin. 
            God has pressed his image into you.  So somewhere inside of you, there is some influence of Divine inspiration.  It’s okay to follow that love.  Life requires lots of dogged work, but if the music is all work and never inspiration it isn’t worth much. 
The author Sarah Wolf Frey is my daughter who is a 20 year veteran of applied music teaching.  In her words “There are some ‘lessons’ that have become more and more true to me about life in general...”  This series is used by permission of the author.

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