Thursday, September 10, 2015

Style reflects What a Christian Believes

Style reflects What a Christian Believes

At various times I have written about children’s music being a bane or a blessing.  When I attend a worship service in a church and the music sounds like a local dance club, I expect that if I visited the children’s worship that the music would also sound like a local disco.  However, I am always puzzled when conservatives allow their children’s music to sound exactly like the music of this world. 
            I wonder how conservatives expect children to experience a strong diet of hard rock, techno pop, rap, and a host of other styles of music and then grow up to be hymn lovers.  If children’s music does not need to be of a higher renovated character than the secular music of the unsaved musicians of this world system, then a host of other things that conservatives consider to be essential are most probably not important either.  
            When are conservatives going to wake up to the fact that  music styles entwined with the message of salvation reflect lifestyle as much as wearing shorts and a halter to a worship service reflects what a Christian  actually believes about modesty..  Does lifestyle matter?  Yes, it does very much.  A Christian’s music and musicing reflects what a Christian actually believes.  So every child’s music pastor must come face to face with what music styles are teaching children about what that musician believes about music’s ability to communicate.


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