Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Musical Congruency Part 8

Musical  Congruency Part 8
         If you are a conservative Christian you will be considered a fool by non-believers and most of the church world at large.  I Peter 4:4 states, “Wherein they think it strange that ye run not with them to the excess of riot, speaking evil of you.”   The words excess and riot are translated from anachusis (401) which means which means “license” and asotia (810) which means among other things, “unsavedness”   unsavory, or debauched.  You will be considered strange and foolish if you refuse to take license or to debauch sacred music in an effort to be trendy in your music ministry.
       As I see it, you have to make a choice to conform your musicing to the spirit of this age or to the scrutiny of the demands of Bible principles musicing.   If you choose to conform to worldly musical trends that follow the philosophical spirit of this age, your musicing will not be congruent with the moral nature of God or to Bible principles of musicing.  (For more on Bible principles of musicing see my book, Music of the Bible in Christian Perspective}.  I am convinced that philosophically a Christian musician cannot “have his cake and eat it too”. 
        All of a Christian musician’s musicing should be congruent with a separated and Christ filled life.  I do not understand Christians who are conservative in lifestyle yet their musical performances are representative of the music of unbelievers.  Why would a separated Christian want to sound like a secular rock musician who has no regard for God or what the Bible has to say about music? Many Christian musicians give verbal ascent to the belief that Christian musicians are in the world (kosmos) but that they are not in agreement with the “system of this present age” (aion).  However, these musicians’ musicing is representative of the very system they say they do not identify with philosophically.



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