Monday, January 20, 2014

Musical Congruency-Part 6

Musical  Congruency-Part 6
       The significance of this discussion so far is that that there is a philosophical influence exuding from “the prince of the power of the air” and that this terminology is a reference to Satan’s matrix.  There is not a single philosophical argument that would successfully refute my hypothesis, based on Scripture, that Satan’s system or matrix includes music.  I have contended for years that if Satan permeated every area of life except music, he would be less than Satan.   It has never made sense to me that Satan worked very hard to permeate every area of life until it came to music he took the day off. 
       Now let us consider congruency in a Christian’s music, music performance and music listening.  Earlier in this discussion congruency was defined as the following:  agreement, harmony, correspondence or conformity.  Romans 12:2 warns Christian musicians, ”And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may  prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.”  (It is referring to Christian musician unless they have, somehow, received an exclusion from this Bible requirement.”)  The English word conformed is translated from the word suschematizo (4964) which means to conform or fashion to the same pattern of the world (aion 165) system.
        How could Scripture be any clearer?  I contend that this requirement extends to every area of a Christian musician’s life.  Unless a Christian musician has received a music indulgence, he or she is commanded to not be in agreement, harmony, correspondence, or conformity with the music of the world’s “system”.  If our music conforms to the “world system” it is not congruent with the Bible commandment to not be “conformed”.

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