Friday, February 19, 2021

Teaching Biblical Music Standards—part 2


Teaching Biblical Music Standards—part 2

          There is an argument among some Bible scholars as to whether the New Testament is referring to pastors and teachers or pastor-teachers.  If the Scripture refers to pastor-teachers, then the onus probandi falls squarely to teach Bible principles of musicing to succeeding generations of Christians.  If the Bible is referring to pastors AND teachers, they must share the responsibility. 

          Let me point out that the responsibility to teach Bible principles of musicing to our children and youth must include both secular and sacred musicing.  God must be Lord of all a Christian’s musicing or it won’t be very long until He will not be Lord of any of a person’s musicing.  As I often point out, all Christian who music first Christians and second musicians are.  All a Christian’s musician’s musicing must follow what the Bible teaches a Christian to do.  Musicing is never done in a “bubble” but conversely it is a part of that person’s “whole-life”.  So, pastors, music teachers, and Christian performers must all accept the responsibility to train our own to music in a way that will bring honor to our high and holy triune God. 




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