Sunday, March 1, 2020

When Conservatives take the Musical Exit Ramps-Part-10

When Conservatives take the Musical Exit Ramps-Part-10
Urban churches who have a house full of unchurched seekers who have never experienced traditional time-honored worship; have no concept of what the Bible teaches; do not understand what it means to be born again; have never memorized a verse from the Bible, have to face problems of sorting out which (if any) type of the many music cultural fusions, the many rock styles and their fusions, ska, rap, rhythm and blues, rock and roll, hally pop, Asian crush, Latino pop, Latido pop, and reggae etc. would be the least offensive means to try to communicate the meaning of the gospel message to this diverse crowd.   However, churches with congregations full of people young and old who have grown up with the richness of hymns, gospel songs and praise choruses provided in traditional worship do not have to face such style amalgamation problems. 
The desire to abandon traditional music worship values reminds me of my days on the farm when coming home from school I would see our milk cows reaching through the tightly stretched five barbed wires of the fence that my father had made.  The cows necks would often be bleeding from the wire barbs as they stretched their heads and necks through the fence trying to reach a wild onion just outside of the fence.  The odd thing is that my father had sewn grasses like fescue, brome, red clover, white clover, alfalfa etc. in the pasture for the herd to eat.  Certainly this milk herd had the means to lay down in green pastures. However, the old cows were not satisfied with the traditional wholesome diet that had been provided for them—instead they were reaching out for something strange and foreign to satisfy their desires. Generally speaking it isn’t new converts that push for a church music policy without any boundaries, but those who have grown up experiencing the richness of traditional church music that are reaching through the fence to get a musical wild onion.

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