Friday, February 28, 2020

When Conservatives take the Musical Exit Ramps-Part-9

When Conservatives take the Musical Exit Ramps-Part-9
Some questions for consideration by pastors and church board members are:  is the church leadership convinced that a praise band emitting a rock back beat to musical worship and a praise team that has been given the main stage, a more excellent way to present the church’s musical sacrifices unto God?   Do you know of any churches who have accepted CCM and ever been able be able find a reverse button to restore traditional worship after such a musical departure has disillusioned and fractured the fellowship of worshipers?  Does the church leadership agree with the philosophy of highlighting the musicians up front (with clapping and accolades)?  Those who naively claim that clapping is no longer understood as praise for the performers but in in this century the “new Praise” for Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, do not have an understanding of what applause means universally when one claps for a performer.  Trying to reverse the aberration toward CCM and  CWM is as hard to reverse as getting on the roof of the church, opening a feather pillow, scattering the feathers in the wind, and then quickly going about the church yard and the community in an effort to pick them up.

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