Saturday, March 7, 2020

When Conservatives take the Musical Exit Ramps-Part-13

When Conservatives take the Musical Exit Ramps-Part-13
Church leadership should remember that there is a whole philosophical persuasion that underpins the CCM and CWM movement.  This well thought out philosophical movement is by no means a friend of traditional church music.  When one studies the history  of the mega changes that take place in how a church musics when a fellowship of believers accepts the philosophical changes that surround CCM , traditional church music is considered outdated and the culprit responsible for all the problems that plague church growth. 
There is a systematic process that takes place in the development of these mega changes.  These changes include part or all of the following: the church hymnal is no longer used, singing gospel hymns and gospel songs are considered to be dull, outdated and trite, the church organ is silenced, the praise band which is rhythm controlled appears, traditional church choirs are disbanded,  emphasis on the “group up front” overshadows the importance of the corporate singing of the body of believers in the congregation.  One further development that often takes place is that the lights are dimed in the house, spotlights are placed on the praise team of singers who all have a hand-held microphone, the conductor is phased out, and the praise band is controlled by a drum set.  More and more sound equipment is utilized, and volume levels are increased dramatically.

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