Monday, February 10, 2020

When Conservatives take the Musical Exit Ramps-Part 1

 When Conservatives take the Musical Exit Ramps-Part 1
As a matter of curiosity I did a computer search of church’s web sites to find their published music philosophy statements.  Most of the churches that were explicit about being conservative in lifestyle often had no published music philosophies on the web.  Even more surprising, most of these web sites did not even have any statements concerning the use of music in worship let alone a series of systematic statements (beliefs) concerning the nature, value, and meaning of the whole of the music they use in the context of public worship.
 It seemed to me that it would be congruent for churches who had published specifics about lifestyle would also be concerned about Bible principles of musicing.  These church’s almost universally made no difference between the sacred and profane music or made any attempt to identify where they stood on the philosophical, performance or musical issues that surround CCM, CWM  or  the nature, value and meaning of music.  (Let me explain that when I use the terms CCM and CWM, I am always referring to these types of music in the context of the respective philosophical movements that surround them.  I am not referring to a new song or music that has been composed recently.  Using the term “contemporary” categorically in a negative sense maligns the true meaning or the word.) 

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