When Conservatives take the
Musical Exit Ramps-Part-7
When a religious music performer
incorporates the musical and/or the extra-musical techniques that are an
integral part of the performance practice of the above music styles (as well as
many other styles not mentioned), it stands to reason that religious intent and
adding a few religious words to these performance practices will not cleanse
and sanctify a Christian musician’s musicing.
Secular music performers are convinced that the music part of music is a
communicator of understandable meaning to an audience and that nonverbal
actions also communicate understandable meaning; it is necessary for Christian
musicians to avoid these sexual triggers when communicating the gospel message
to an audience.
Remember that how the formal
properties of the music are arranged expediates the communication of these
triggers that arouse emotions that are
sexual in nature. Remember that a Bible
based faith-based music praxis must include the nature of every musical
composition that is to be used in the context of Christian worship. An understanding of the nature of the music
part of the music will give valuable
insight in making the decision as to whether a piece of music is or is not an
appropriate vehicle to represent the moral nature of God.
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