Friday, January 6, 2017

Thinking Church Music Through

Thinking Church Music Through

Church musicians are now in a very heated argument about styles of church music.  No one seems to argue in favor of secular rock music, but there are an increasing number of pastors and church musicians who do not see much, if anything, wrong with religious rock music in the church.  In many places in the world today, church attendance is getting smaller, so pastors and ministers of music are trying to make church attendance attractive to people who are not Christians.  Almost everything traditional is now being reviewed to make sure that traditional acts of worship are relating to “worldly” people.  Traditional styles of church music often receive the blame for a lack of church growth.

            When a particular church is experiencing increased attendance, pastors and ministers of music naturally look at the style of worship that has been “successful.”  Often church leaders pattern public worship after “super churches” without thinking through the results of those major changes in music worship.

Thought for the Day

Christian musicians must be more concerned about being “faithful” than “successful” when it comes to which styles of music are or are not admitted to a church’s music repertoire.

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