Monday, April 18, 2016

Music is Not Amoral

Music is Not Amoral
           Those who conclude that music is amoral have to incorrectly assume that in the beginning God did not create music in a personal real way.  They believe that God sees music from a distance through rose-tinted glasses.  Since they believe that God does not have an ultimate opinion concerning music ministry, He is not “there” when it comes to music.  The very fact that music “is” is proof to a Christian that it is a part of God’s infinite creation.  A thesis thinking Christian who believes in a real creation rather than some kind of theistic-evolution is led to the systematic conclusion that because music “is” and is a part of God’s real creation, God is “there” concerning music.  If God is “there” concerning church music in the 21st century, then it stands to reason that he cares about it in a most personal way.
            Since we are drawn to the logical conclusion that God created the great art of music, then the physical creation of music as music (not just the words) matters to God.  We do not have one shred of evidence that God created anything (moral or amoral) that does not matter to Him.  Certainly it is only logical to conclude that the music part of Church Music Matters very, very much to God.

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