Tuesday, August 4, 2015

The Bible College and Music Philosophy—part 2

The Bible College and Music Philosophy—part 2

            If Bible College and Christian Univrsity Music Departments are going to exert a conservative influence on the next generation of Christians, they must be staffed by music faculty who are committed to a Bible based music education.  Music philosophy that merely adds music worship as an added dimension to a worldly philosophy of the fine arts will only add insult to injury to the music philosophy of the next generation of church musicians.

            If we believe that Church Music Matters, then we must act like it matters.  Bible College and Christian University curriculums that include only two to four hours of music are the result of the lackluster philosophy that music is not very important in the process of higher education that prepares the next generation of pastors, missionaries, educators and laymen that will soon take the helm of the church.  Many Bible colleges have failed to realize that it will be Bible College graduates who have developed a Christocentric Bible based music philosophy that will be the only hope for church music in this century.  How can these graduates possibly be prepared musically with a meager two to four hours of music?


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