Thursday, June 4, 2015

Music and the Genesis Record—part 1

Music and the Genesis Record—part 1
            The Genesis record does not have very much to say about music in very ancient times.  However, we are not completely left in the dark concerning the beginnings of music since we have the mention of Jubal and his music instruments early in the Genesis record.   As early as in Genesis 4:21 we learn that Lamech’s wife Adah gave birth to Jabal, “And his brother's name was Jubal: he (Jubal) was the father of all such as handle the harp and organ.” You will notice that he was referred to as the “father” but never as the “creator” of music.  Genesis 4”21 refers to Jubal as the ab (01) and not as the one who created (bara' 1254) music.  He is referred to as the father “of all such as handle the harp and organ”.  The Bible calls Jubal the handler (taphas, 8610) or manipulator of music.  He, or anyone else for that matter, is ever referred to in the Bible as the creator of music.

            The harp (kinnor 3658) mentioned here was a hand held lyre (not a harp) and the organ (ugab 5748) was a reed instrument (not an organ or pans pipe as some suppose).  By the time of Jacob (Genesis 31:27), we have record of songs (shiyr 7892), the frame drum translated tabret from toph (8596)in the KJV which was a small breast drum, and the lyre (kinnor 3658) that was again translated harp in the KJV.  For a thorough discussion of ancient musical instruments mentioned in the Bible, read chapter seven of my book Music of the Bible in Christian Perspective.

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