Sunday, May 8, 2022

The Song of Fools -part 1


The Song of Fools -part 1

Ecclesiastes 7:5 states, “It is better to hear the rebuke of the wise, than for a man to hear the song of fools.”  Church musicians sometimes get a little worried that their musicing unto God is too serious, because all of us want people to like our music ministry.  What did the writer of the book of Ecclesiastes mean by “the song of fools”?  Was he suggesting that the content of the song is foolish or that those who are singing the songs are actually fools?  He probably meant “all of the above”. 

       Never be afraid of the seriousness of the musical message of Christ crucified.  The awesome depth and true truth of this message is the very thing that makes it worthwhile.  The message of Christ being obedient to the will of His Father: which included being reviled, rebuked, rejected, misunderstood, abused,  and tortured physically and mentally is a very solemn and worthwhile message.  Never be ashamed of the awesome and solemn truth about Christ’s suffering and death which we sing about in God’s house. The Christian musician should never “water it down” or fail to sing about the precious blood that Christ shed for the sins of the whole world.

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