Wednesday, May 18, 2022




Many people who are church musicians today are not aware of the history of rock music, nor do most people who attend church know the history of our more traditional forms of church music.  Sometime during the late 60’s and early 70’s young people from various churches began forming religious rock groups and began to sing and play this style of music in church youth services.  Next, they asked if they could perform for Sunday evening services and then Sunday morning worship.  Youth ministers were so happy to get some young people involved in worship that they allowed the worldly influence of rock music to become a part of public worship.  So the influence of secular rock music style was accepted in public worship.

          It was not a thought out process but rather a desperate effort to involve young people in public worship.  The thought that the church had allowed a style of music to be admitted to public worship that was basically antagonistic to Christianity was most often not considered.  The well-known fact that rock music was from its beginning a style of music that was basically antichrist was ignored.  The church ignored the fact that it had opened its arms to a style of music that was never intended to be used in public worship.  The church had been squeezed into the world’s mold without much of a fight.  It all came about under the disguise of helping teenagers to get involved in public worship.  Never before in church history had the church surrendered to an antichrist influence with hardly any fight.


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