Sunday, March 21, 2021

Aesthetics and “Joyful Noise”-part 2


Aesthetics and “Joyful Noise”-part 2

          Beauty in music can cause the worshiper, who hears the created

art object, to become more acutely aware of the Creator of the great

art of music. I have personally gone away from worshiping through

music with a heightened awareness of the Creator. I have also left

the concert hall, after hearing the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra

perform secular music, with an exalted view of the Creator who so

marvelously created music.

          The beauty of music can cause a crowd to become calm and

quiet before a worship service begins, or set a proper mood at the

time of prayer. Although this function of music could be considered

utilitarian it need not be only practical but also aesthetic. The musically

aware perceive the beauty and import of the music.  Hopefully

music worship should provide enriched, beautiful aural experiences

for the musically aware.

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