Tuesday, January 19, 2021

A Christian Music Aesthetic

 A Christian Music Aesthetic

Matthew 11:28 states, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest”.  Although this verse says absolutely nothing  about music or musicing, this concept of rest extends to a Christian’s musicing when one is “telling” the Bible message that brings rest to those who come to Christ. It doesn’t make sense to music the message of forgiveness and rest with a music vehicle that is continuously loud, dissonant, and tense.  A Christian music aesthetic should embrace music that has a forward directionality which consists of beginning, middle (climax) and end (rest).

Quality sacred music should progress from its beginning through a point of tension, to a point of climax to a final point or rest or it simply is not an appropriate vehicle and therefore does not pass the test of being considered sacred music.  This aesthetic is a necessity in sacred music.  Incessant tension without the finality brought about by rest is not consistent with the rest that the Bible message brings to those who find the rest found in a born-again relationship with Jesus Christ.

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