Sunday, May 5, 2019

Why Does the Christian Sing?

Why Does the Christian Sing?
Psalm 13:6, “I will sing unto the LORD, because he hath dealt bountifully with me."
          Those of us who grew up going to church regularly probably cannot remember a time when we did not hear Christian’s sing.  I never really thought about why they sang in church.  I just took their joyful singing of sacred music for granted.  I grew up around a fellowship of Christians who enjoyed singing unto God.  I knew that they enjoyed singing because they sang with a smile on their faces.  Some of them raised their hands and one lady used to wave her handkerchief when she got blessed during the congregational singing. 
          Mrs. DeVore, who was an earnest Christian, was diagnosed with cancer, had the Pastor anoint her with oil and she was healed of cancer.  My mother had reoccurring attacks of iritis (an inflammation that affects the colored ring around your eye's pupil)  so seriously that she sometimes had to stay in a completely dark room until it subsided.  I remember very vividly the day that our pastor and a couple of deacons from our little church came to our house and prayed for her.  That day God healed my mother and the iritis never returned during the 94 years that she lived.
          It is of little wonder to me that our little church sang hymns, choruses and gospel with great joy on their faces.   Returning a praise offering to God was a choice that they made.  The way they sang was their testimony, “I will sing unto the LORD, because he hath dealt bountifully with me."  God was real to them, so they sang unto Him with great joy.

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