Saturday, April 27, 2019

The Tongue of the Wise is Health

The Tongue of the Wise is Health
 Proverbs 12:18-20  “There is that speaketh like the piercings of a sword: but the tongue of the wise is health.  The lip of truth shall be established for ever: but a lying tongue is but for a moment.  Deceit is in the heart of them that imagine evil: but to the counsellors of peace is joy.”
          I learned a life lesson  from a music collegue of mine who is now in heaven.  Professor Archie Coons was a great Christian and a great music teacher.  He and I had many conversations during the years that we worked together at God’s Bible College.  There were some people whose office I avoided when possible because I always had enough problems that were capable of sending me to the slough of despond without hearing any more depressing news.  However, it was different with Mr. Coons!  He always had a smile on his face and an upbeat demeanor.  He had a lot of physical problems that were at times very serious, but he did not let them get him down emotionally.
          We would discuss all kinds of  problems, but he never said anything demeaning or destructive about anyone.  I always joked that if he saw two dead rats in the gutter, he would look them over and find something good to say about both of them.  So the Scripture verses in Proverbs describes him as a person who had “lip of truth”.  He was truly a counsellor of peace and joy.  So, if you have the opportunity to say something negative and demeaning about someone today—don’t do it.

Prayer for the Day
Lord, You are a wonderful God.  I want to thank You for giving me the opportunity to work with a great Christian like Archie Coons.  Thank You for the life lessons that I learned from him.  Lord, help me to finish my days on this earth with a smile on my face and a joyful heart.  Help me to continue to benefit from the lessons that I learned from Mr. Coons.  Please help me to mentor young musicians as positively as he mentored me.  Help me to not only music with joy , but to also mentor with “lips of truth” and a heart that is filled with words of peace and joy.  

Song for the Day  Since Jesus Came into My Heart  by Rufus H. McDaniel

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