Friday, June 8, 2018

Do You Believe in Rock N’ Roll?—part 4

Do You Believe in Rock N’ Roll?—part 4

          So, I ask you, does the way you music unto God make the statement that you believe in rock ‘n roll?  Does your your philosophy and praxis bears out the fact that you actually do believe in rock ‘n roll and furthermore that it can save your mortal soul?  I have often said that every musical action of a Christian musician is a testimony of what that musician actually believes.  If your music and musicing is rock based or based on rock music’s first cousins, your actions bear out the fact that you believe that rock ‘n roll is a better concomitant of the gospel of Jesus Christ than time honored forms of church music.

            What you do is proof of your belief about the nature, value and meaning of musicing at its deepest levels.  As the musicer, wat you do bears out that you believe that the music part of music is so inept that it is incapable of saying or representing anything that is related to real life meaning, or that you believe that the genres that you use as a part of worship


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