Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Do You Believe in Rock N’ Roll?—part 2

Do You Believe in Rock N’ Roll?—part 2

            Even more apropos Don McClean’s song “American Pie” was the next question that he asked, “do you believe in rock n’ roll?”  In 1971 when McClean penned these words, very few Christians were addressing this deep philosophical question.  Furthermore, few who were rejecting the use of rock ‘n roll thought that a great host of churchmen would later consider it to be a better worship vehicle? 

            Now whether or not conservative Christians like it or not, many Christians believe wholeheartedly believe that this form of music “save your mortal soul”.  Since so many postmodern and now post postmodern church leaders and church musicians believe that the various forms of rock based music are better vehicles, what Don McClean was purporting philosophically has become a reality. 

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