Tuesday, June 26, 2018

A Music Philosophy Is a Belief System—part 2

A Music Philosophy Is a Belief System—part 2 

            Without systematic guiding principles a Christian musician will likely make musical choices that are faulty. Biblical principles that relate to musicing must be the foundation of a philosophy of music.  The Christian musician must be careful to analyze the fundamental  grounds and concepts that govern all music and musicing to be sure that all philosophical beliefs are Christocentric. As I mentioned before, all of a Christian musician’s philosophy of music must be in alignment to the matrix of God and His Word, which is His divinely, inspired guidebook for Christian musicians.

                One of the stratagems of Satan is getting Christian musicians to try to have the best of both worlds.  He influences church musicians to try to make there musicing unto God as much like the world as is possible.  He convinces them that the music part of music is benign and therefore does not matter.  A multitude of Christians now believe that sacred music does not need to be “new sing” i.e. music which is of a higher renovated character.  Many church musicians music just like the world musics because they know “I’ve got friends in lower places”.  Because they find it hard to break away from the old crowd and the old life, they hang on to the way they musiced when they were not Christians.

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