Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Understanding the Music Genres, We Perform

 Understanding the Music Genres, We Perform
Remember that a worship music philosophy should be a series of systematic statements (beliefs) concerning the nature and value of the whole of the music. These systematic beliefs must include a thorough understanding of the music’s essential nature, i.e., what makes the music part of the music what it is. This underlying set of beliefs must also include an understanding of the formal properties of the music and how they influence the meaning and message of the music, i.e., what it actually does or says or how it influences the performer and auditor.
 A worship music philosophy must also very clearly provide a systematic understanding of the value of this music to the worship experience and what it can do to the whole-life of the performer and worshiper. To deny that religious music does something to the worshiper is naïve and short-sighted. Any style of music should be carefully scrutinized for its ability to affect the whole-life of the performer and auditor in a positive or negative spiritual manner. All musics have the ability to affect change in the whole-life of the worshiper. The amount and quality of the positive influence of the music part of the music will determine whether it is a poor, mediocre or quality vehicle and concomitant of a sacred text.
Thought for the Day
Christian Musicians who are worship leaders must accept the responsibility to study music seriously.  The fact that worship leaders are busy and are many times only part time church musicians is not an excuse for not being a student of music.

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