Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Are You Weary Yet?

Are You Weary Yet?

          After all the Christmas activities and all the Christmas productions, most Church musicians are more than weary.  Those who have never experienced the extreme pressure that these activities place upon Christian musicians have absolutely no idea of what they do to musicians.

            Although I do not know how to adequately explain it, I know that they take something out of the Christian musician that he or she does not regain readily.  Musicians often operate on adrenalin for days at a time. When it is all over and things are put away Christian musicians often crash emotionally and physically.  I remember that for years when the programs were over in Cincinnati and we had traveled our family’s homes in Kansas I would get physically sick.  One Christmas I took the chicken pox when we got to Kansas. Believe me, it is no fun to get the chicken pox as an adult!

            I have given you some of the gory details so you won’t feel like you are the only one who gets sick or deeply depressed after these programs and concerts are all over.  I wondered for years why God let me and other musicians get depressed and physically ill after these great times of ministering unto Him.  Finally I got it through my thick head that Christian musicians are human beings and we are susceptible to the laws of nature just like everyone else.  So, just remember that you are not super-human and that for every action there is a reaction.  Remember, god loves you when you are up and when you are down!

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