Understanding God’s Building Blocks of Music-part 4
is of little wonder that the writings of Christian musicians are almost silent
when it comes to any reasonable historical or exegetical understandings of the
music of ancient Israel and the music of other cultures that surrounded Israel
which are also mentioned in the Old Testament.
This stony silence by Christian writers is the result of musical and
historical ignorance of the music of these ancient cultures. This silence is also the result of the notion
that the music of the Bible is not relevant to the music and musicing of
Christian musicians today.
Christian musicians are going to come to any clear understanding that are
relevant to sacred music in the twenty-first century, these musicians must come
to grips with the building blocks of music that were created by God in His acts
of creation. All Scripture is God
breathed and has been made profitable to Christian musicians in every
generation. Christians should quit
whining about “seeing through a [musical] glass darkly”, as though the study of
music in the Bible is the only difficulty in studying and understanding the
meanings found in the Bible.
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