Wednesday, December 28, 2016

The Book of Psalms—part 2

The Book of Psalms—part 2

            We now have available to us the ancient poems and melodies that the Hebrew nation sang unto God centuries ago.  The Book of Psalms is really Sepher Tehillim or the Scroll of Praises unto God.  The Hebrew title is most appropriate since the central theme of these ancient songs is praise unto God.  The twenty-first century church musician should therefore make sure that the tenor of church music remains praise unto God.

            The Book of Psalms is the only divinely inspired book of songs available for use and should be respected and used in the light of the fact it is the word of God concerning musical praise.  There are several psalmists who contributed to the Psalter, but the church musician is reminded that the real author of the collection is the blessed Holy Spirit. 

Thought for the Day

Church musicians need to understand that many secular poetry scholars not only do not consider the Book of Psalms to be divinely inspired, they do not consider any of the Old or New Testament to be “God breathed”.

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