Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Why the Music of the Temple Was Successful part 5B

Why the Music of the Temple Was Successful part 5B
            For some of the Levites special instructions were given as to the content of their musical ministry.  I Chronicles 16:4 states, "And he appointed certain of the Levites to minister (8334) before the ark of the LORD, and to record (zamar 2142), and to thank (yadah 3034) and praise (halal 1984) the LORD (3068) God (430) of Israel."  This verse contains a wealth of musical and spiritual meaning that is worth considering.  Here is an amplified version that I trust will shed some light on the truths in this verse:
"And he (David) assigned or distributed without fail at the forefront of the ark of the self-existent eternal God, Levites to serve in the spirit of a menial worshiper; and to mention, remember, think on and make (others) to remember Jehovah; to literally hold out the hands, and to revere, confess, and praise Jehovah; to make clear (sound), to shine and make a show, boast and celebrate the eternal, self-existent, supreme exceeding God."
            The three words record, thank, and praise are worth further discussion at this point.  Earlier in Chapter III, we mentioned in our discussion of new song in the Bible, that songs of praise unto God were a vital part of worship in the Bible.  The central theme of the Book of Psalms is also praise.  So it is no wonder that David assigned some Levites to be over the musical praise of the Temple.

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