Sunday, October 6, 2013

What do We Do Now thjat Rock Won't Go Away?-Part 9

What Do We Do Now that Rock Won’t Go Away?-Part 9
      If I was Satan, I would know that once I had beguiled Christians into getting deeply involved in these “cousin” styles, they would have developed an irresistible connection to rock music.   I would also be aware that this secret connection would be “personal taste” based on the fact that this complicated mixture music contains sounds and rhythmic patterns, etc. etc. that Christians have previously learned to like.  Now, I would know that they were hooked on these sounds so thoroughly that they would be at a point of no return.  At this point I would have basically won the battle for rock music.
       At this point I hope that you are somewhat upset and angry.  If you are, one of two things has caused your anger.  Either you are angry because the Holy Spirit has located you during our little discussion or contrariwise you are upset because you are concerned by the knowledge that Satan’s musical stratagems have been so effective during the late twentieth century and the beginning or the twenty first century.
       Now let us turn our attention to young people who only know and appreciate rock music. 
Most writers of the past thirty or forty years have concerned themselves with the lyrics of rock and the involved and complicated plethora of opinions about the secular vs. religious rock dichotomy.  These discussions have been necessary because there is a difference between sacred and secular rock lyrics.  However, many fewer writers and Christian music philosophers have had the courage to tackle the music part of rock music. 
       Lowell Hart made a statement about young people who only understand rock music that caught my attention,  “The  Christian young person who is caught in this trap and refuses to listen to other music because he doesn’t like it or it makes him ‘nervous’ is very much like the alcoholic who is addicted to the bottle.  The teenager is actually addicted to the enticing sounds of rock and does not wish to change.”  Satan’s Music Exposed by Lowell Hart, pp. 144-145.   Hart was astute and bold enough to recognize that it is the fascinating, intriguing, and enticing qualities of rock’s sounds that are the most addictive part of rock music. 

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