Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Prayer foir this Blog in October

      Prayer for This Blog in October
         Lord, please allow this Music philosophy blog to be a blessing during the month of October.   I want to thank you my precious Father for those faithful followers of this project who continue to pray for me and read from month to month.  Please let this blog go to continue to go around the world to places where I cannot go.  Help me as I prepare a post for each day to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit.  Only you know Lord who is out there ministering musically that needs a fresh anointing for musical ministry.  Help me to know which philosophical and devotional topics are important and will be a blessing.  Lord, will you help me as I prepare some posts on the subject of musical creativity. 
         Please comfort my dear friend and his wife and daughter who lost their son and brother in September.  Also Lord, I am asking  You  to impress upon the minds of those around the world who are reading this blog prayer to remember them in prayer during the entire month of October.  
        Thank you my heavenly father for the fall flowers and the bushes that are already turning beautiful colors.  The October colors always remind me that you have seen us through another spring and hot summer. I am also asking You to place a special blessing upon all those out there who are ministering for you. These things I ask in your name.  Amen.


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