Friday, March 1, 2013

Prayer for the day-March 1

Thank you Lord for creating music.  Thank you for providing another way for your children to express their love for you.  Thank you that when it seems that words are not adequate alone to respond to your love and faithfulness to us, we can music unto you.  Thank you Father, Son, and Holy Spirit for providing every thing we need to live a Christian life on this earth and to make it to heaven when we have finished our journey here.  Thank you for including music over 600 times in your inspired inerrant Word.  Thank you that as your Word promises in Romans 8:16, your Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are your children right now!  Thank you for a wonderful January and February.  Thank you that we have felt your presence in our lives these two months. We love you with all of our soul, mind and spirit and as we start this day, we do so expressing our gratitude to you for your goodness. These thoughts we pray in your Holy Name, amen.

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