Monday, February 4, 2013

What we know about music from the Genesis record--part 1

Yesterday we discussed the fact that God created the seven note musical scale as an on purpose part of his six day creation.  At the end of the sixth day the Genesis record in chapter 1:31 explains “And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.”  As I stated earlier we know with certainty that in the beginning God created music.  Now we know with certainty in verse thirty-one that the music creation was not only good but also very good.  In God’s opinion the system of music he created was very good.  I don’t know about you but for me I trust God’s opinion for it embodies absolute truth concerning all aspects of music.
            One may honestly ask, “What is God’s opinion concerning music?”  This is an honest question so it deserves an honest answer.  Some of God’s ultimate and perfect opinion concerning music is found in the more than 600 references to music in the Bible.  Many Bible doctrines are only mentioned a few times in God’s Word but music is so important to God that he mentions it hundreds of times in this inspired infallible Word. 
            So, the concept that God doesn’t have any thing to say about sacred and secular music is false.  As a matter of fact, this faulty view actually denies God’s authority over the whole of Creation which includes the whole of music.  It behooves all of us to study His Word and discern just what His will is concerning music.  It is also safe to conclude that all Music Matters very much to God. Although it it presumptuous to claim to know exactly all that God thinks about music, we do know from His infallible inspired Word more about how to music unto Him than many Christian suppose.

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