Sunday, February 17, 2013

Song Leaders?- part 8

        Yesterday we considered philosophically what the Bible meant by the the phrase "was for song". Today we will continue that discussion of song leaders as we prepare our hearts for worship this Lord's day. Chenaniah was a skillful song leader and teacher who had burden (massa 4853) for song and instructed (yacar 3256) about this burden of song.
       The Hebrew word massa is often misunderstood by Bible commentators to mean "carriage". They believe that this verse is explaining that Chenaniah was an expert in handling the ark of the covenant. However, this portion of the chapter is a musical discourse about the Levites that King David placed over the pre-Temple music at the time of the moving of the ark and placing it in the tent. So it is highly doubtful that this is a reference to he carrying the ark of the covenant.
       Since Chenaniah was a musician, a much more tenable hypothesis would be that Chenaniah was a skillful singing instructor who had great burden for song borne in upon him of God. The word massa used here of Chenaniah appears many times in the O.T. This word is the same word used of the prophets of the O.T. such as in: Isaiah 13:1, Nahun 1:1, Habakkuk 1:1 where it always means "a thing lifted up" signifying the burden if prophesy which was borne in upon the prophet when he received it from God. In other words, Chenaniah's message for song was borne in upon him from Jehovah! Just like the prophets of the O.T., Chenaniah felt pressed to share his burden with the people. He had been given a message from God which he shared in this teaching and in this musicing unto Jehovah.
       It wasn't perfect pitch or a beautiful sounding voice, his knowledge of vocal pedagogy, or his conducting skills that made him so great as to merit mention by name in the Holy Writ. It was his spiritual communication with Jehovah that brought him to prominence. From the biblical record it seems that the outstanding thing factor of this chief musician's life was his serious and powerful ministry in ancient Israel. As we enter God's house today, we should go with an expectancy that God will reveal Himself to us as the song leader helps us to lavish praise upon the Trinity through our musicing.

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Wolf- I am so thankful you are writing here! Darrell & I have been talking about church music a lot lately, & your writing will be really helpful to us both. We feel & know our need for the Holy Spirits direction for us at our church.

    Appreciate your prayers & work for the Kingdom,
    Liz Stetler
    Oklahoma City, OK
