Friday, October 28, 2022

Music is always performed in community


Music is always performed in community

Sacred or secular music is never performed in an enclosed bubble that is insulated from real life situations or real life emotional states of mind.  Music is always performed in community i.e.; it always has meaning that is understood at least partially in relationship of the culture in which it is performed.  Those who attend corporate worship filter the music part of the music that they hear through their previous experiences with the style of music that is being used in the context of Christian worship.  For example, if worship leaders use a sacred text with styles taken from sensual music used in general secular culture, those who have  experienced the music part of the music arranged in a way that aroused passion in a dance club, will likely receive confusing signals from the music being performed. 

Those who have the most understanding of the sensual secular style being used will receive more conflicting meaning when they hear it amalgamated with a sacred text.  The fact that they may like the secular style of music being used is not the issue. Using a sacred text with a sensual style of music, or having a Christian  perform this combination does not sanctify this music style fusion for sacred use.


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