Saturday, August 20, 2022

Is All Scripture Inspired and Accurate? Part 2



Is All Scripture Inspired and Accurate?  Part 2


After explaining this thesis, invite the synthesis thinker to express what he or she thinks about the statements about music that are mentioned in the Bible.  Be sure to give the synthesis thinker opportunity to completely express his or her philosophical basis.  Then ask questions like, “What are your presuppositions concerning the Bible   and its relationship to truth?”  On what basis do you derive your music ministry philosophy?  On what basis do you exclude profundity, sacred vs. profane, suitability and appropriateness in religious music?  What parts of the Bible do you consider to be authentic?  On what basis do you “know” that the Bible is not accurate and divinely inspired? 

This discussion of how twenty first century musicians think is by no means complete, but it gives one an idea of how to proceed with a discussion of why this musician believes what he or she believes.  The objective here is not to argue with the synthesis thinker but rather to get this musician to express his or her way of “knowing”.  Many times it will help the synthesis thinker to explore his or her belief system.  It is not only important for you to understand how this musician thinks but it is also extremely important for the synthesis thinker to come to grips with his or her own presuppositions that serve as a basis for music ministry philosophy.

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