Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Ways of Thinking-part 2

Ways of Thinking-part 2

There is nothing inherently wrong with a new style or a new composition or a new way of musicing.  Those who are “antiquers” disdain anything past Watts and Wesley, Ira Sankey, and George Beverly Shea.  Never confuse an ancient landmark of musical worship with an old-fashioned way of musicing.  Musical worship is not all a matter of taste but there is room for personal taste in musical worship.  Not every style of music is appropriate for worship but there is room for more than one style of music in Christian worship.

There is no virtue in being out-of-date!  Resisting the use of percussion, guitars, or keyboards, or church orchestras is not in the slightest bit biblical.  A four hundred-thousand-dollar pipe organ does not bring the church closer to God.  The question is not to use or not to use, but rather HOW we use instruments in the church.  Praise teams are not worldly unless the praise team has conformed to the world’s mode of musicing.  There is no virtue in a massive solid oak lectern as opposed to a simple one made of plexiglass.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Ways of Thinking-part 1


 Ways of Thinking-part 1

Writers often refer to the terms modern, postmodern, and post-Christian and contemporary thinkers.  The term modern means that which exhibits the characteristics of present or recent times.  One who adheres to conforms to current tendencies at the exclusion of traditional ways of ministering through the art of music or builds a music philosophy based on modern standards of “correctness” and “knowing” is a “modern” music minister.  A distinction must be made between “modern” and “up-to-date”.  Modern connotes a new way of “thinking” or “knowing” about musicing.  Up to date connotes thinking new things about musicing.  Conservative traditional thesis thinkers* must not make the mistake of confusing the two.  If this mistake is made the conservative Christian will become an “antiquer” – one who reveres only old things.   *“Thesis thinking” means that one’s thinking process is based on a thesis (a statement or theory that is put forward as a premise to be maintained or proved). and recognizes that there is also an antithesis (a directly opposite belief or viewpoint).


Friday, August 26, 2022

Are They Musical Convictions or Preferences? Part 2


Are They Musical Convictions or Preferences? Part 2


 I am not saying that my philosophical preferences do not matter.  I am simply acknowledging that my relationship with other Christian musicians matters more than most of my musical preferences.  They matter enough for me to disagree agreeably with my Christian colleagues who are of a different opinion about music education and church music preferences. So, I must very carefully differentiate between my musical preferences and Bible principles of musicing which are not negotiable.

The Christian musician must remember that I\it is important to have a tender conscience.  When one believes that a certain type of music or musicing is destructive to that person’s spiritual life it is dangerous to ignore what one believes to be the checks of the Holy Spirit.  However, that musician should not demand that everyone refrain from musicing in a certain way if the  Bible is silent about a certain way of musicing.



Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Are They Musical Convictions or Preferences? Part 1


Are They Musical Convictions or Preferences? Part 1


What the music educator firmly believes about the nature and value of music at its deepest levels should exude from that musician’s musical convictions.  A musical conviction is the strong feeling of being sure that what that musician believes about music is true and therefore must be followed.   A musical preference is different in that it is a greater liking for one musical alternative over another.  As the reader can see there is a dramatic difference between the two terms.

I am not only passionate about my about my philosophic music convictions, I am also passionate about the philosophical preferences that I have which I earnestly believe are important to excellence in musicing. However, there is something that I have learned over the years that has helped me.  I have learned that some of my preferences do not matter enough to cause me to break fellowship with other musicians who disagree with me. In the light of what words spoken do to relationships, most musical preferences really do not matter as much as we think they do when the waves of adversity and disagreement are blowing.  At these times we all find that we need Christian musical friendship more than having our way musically.   What we need to do in these times is let the blessed Holy Spirit be our rudder to help us stay out of “foot in mouth disease” and remain on course musically.

Monday, August 22, 2022

Is All Scripture Inspired and Accurate? Part 3

Is All Scripture Inspired and Accurate?  Part 3


Remember it is not the responsibility of the conservative synthesis-thinking musician to change the thinking of modern and post-modern and post-postmodern man.  Our responsibility is to be Christ-like, kind and patient.  The most we can do is to present our beliefs, and help the synthesis thinker to explore his or her beliefs.  It is the work of the Holy Spirit to guide Christian musicians into all truth. 

It is a basic presupposition of this book and all my writings that all musicing is based on some philosophy and that this philosophy is fundamentally based on some matrix.  Music philosophy is the basic foundation from which all musical actions exude.  A sound philosophy of music ministry is founded on principles much deeper than mere likes and dislikes since it is based on God’s matrix.

A word of caution is in order for those who are conservative in their philosophical positions concerning music.  It is arrogant for anyone to believe that he or she has a corner on truth as though no one else is capable of having knowledge of music’s nature and value.  There are areas where the Bible is silent about music and musicing and scientific method has produced no logical evidence to support a particular musical position.  In such cases, tolerance is in order.  The fact that the Holy Spirit has checked a Christian about something that he or she once did musically, is not concrete evidence that no other Christian musician should music in that way.  Christian musicians must always try to understand the difference between personal musical convictions and biblical principles of musicing that are not negotiable.

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Is All Scripture Inspired and Accurate? Part 2



Is All Scripture Inspired and Accurate?  Part 2


After explaining this thesis, invite the synthesis thinker to express what he or she thinks about the statements about music that are mentioned in the Bible.  Be sure to give the synthesis thinker opportunity to completely express his or her philosophical basis.  Then ask questions like, “What are your presuppositions concerning the Bible   and its relationship to truth?”  On what basis do you derive your music ministry philosophy?  On what basis do you exclude profundity, sacred vs. profane, suitability and appropriateness in religious music?  What parts of the Bible do you consider to be authentic?  On what basis do you “know” that the Bible is not accurate and divinely inspired? 

This discussion of how twenty first century musicians think is by no means complete, but it gives one an idea of how to proceed with a discussion of why this musician believes what he or she believes.  The objective here is not to argue with the synthesis thinker but rather to get this musician to express his or her way of “knowing”.  Many times it will help the synthesis thinker to explore his or her belief system.  It is not only important for you to understand how this musician thinks but it is also extremely important for the synthesis thinker to come to grips with his or her own presuppositions that serve as a basis for music ministry philosophy.

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Is All Scripture Inspired and Accurate? Part 1

 Is All Scripture Inspired and Accurate?  Part 1

It is important to understand that post-modern and post-postmodern Christian musicians do not believe II Timothy 3:16 when it asserts: “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.”    As a matter of fact, many of them believe that the references to music in the Bible have outlived their relevancy.  Remember that the Bible will stand all the tests of validity and reliability since it is a timeless true truth and not merely “truth-and” or “some-truth” or merely a work “containing truth”.  

The word inspiration in this verse is translated from theopneustos (2315) which is a *hapax legomenon so we do not have other context to help establish its meaning.  It means that all or the Holy Writ has come to us through inspiration which is God breathed.  This means that God directly influenced the human writers of Scripture and therefore, all of the God breathed words are the exact words that God intended to be written.  So, the thesis of the conservative Christian musician is that the true truth of the Bible concerning music is to be trusted to be accurate in the twenty first century.

Tuesday, August 16, 2022


influenced the human writers of Scripture and therefore, all of the God breathed words are the exact words that God intended to be written.  So, the thesis of the conservative Christian musician is that the true truth of the Bible concerning music is to be trusted to be accurate in the twenty first century.


Monday, August 15, 2022

Do We Merely Wallow in Sound When We Sing in Church?

 Do We Merely Wallow in Sound When We Sing in Church?

The reason many people cannot sing with their whole heart and make melody in their heart is that they are not singing with the Spirit and with understanding (I Corinthians 14:15).  The reason they cannot sing in the Spirit with understanding is that they are not singing with grace in their hearts (Colossians 3:16).  The grace of God must be applied to the singer’s heart before he or she can sing with the whole heart unto God.  Without divine love in the heart, singing becomes as a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal before God (I Corinthians 13:1).  (See echoe chalkos in Chapter 11.)

            The word understanding appears with the mention of singing in 1 Corinthians 14:15, “What is it then?  I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also: I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the understanding (nous 3563) also.”  In this verse, Christians are commanded to sing with understanding i.e., the intellect.  Spiritual singing is not only a cerebral exercise.  However, utilizing one’s mind, as one expresses the good news of the gospel and the high praises of God who alone is worthy of praise, is necessary if a Christian’s singing is going to be efficacious. 

Musicing can become an escape exercise or an experience of wallowing in one’s emotions.  When this happens, the musician’s musicing can become an inward emotional exercise that fails to be “unto God” and “unto one another.”  Psalm 47:7 gives us further knowledge about how we should sing unto God.  “For God is the King of all the earth: sing ye praises with understanding (sakal 7919).”  Some exegetes believe that sakal would have been more correctly translated “everyone that hath understanding” in verse 7.  That being the case, Psalm 47:7 teaches that a musician is incapable of properly musicing unto God unless he or she is illuminated by the divine to express the high praises of God.

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Why Do We Sing unto God?

 Why Do We Sing unto God?

 We should not only music with emotion and gladness, but we should also praise the Lord with our whole heart (labe 3820) as Psalm 9:1 “… I will praise thee, O LORD, with my whole heart; I will shew forth all thy marvelous works.”  In other words, it is all right to put yourself into the singing of God’s praise because that is one of the ways that we can give Him our best musical offering.  The word labe connotes with the intellect or mind.  The musicing that takes place in corporate worship need not be a sleepy, dull exercise if we follow the biblical pattern of engaging the mind and the intellect.

            The reason many people cannot sing with their whole heart and make melody in their heart is that they are not singing with the Spirit and with understanding (I Corinthians 14:15).  The reason they cannot sing in the Spirit with understanding is that they are not singing with grace in their hearts (Colossians 3:16).  The grace of God must be applied to the singer’s heart before he or she can sing with the whole heart unto God.  Without divine love in the heart, singing becomes as a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal before God (I Corinthians 13:1). 


Thursday, August 11, 2022

God Rejoices When We Sing to Him

 God Rejoices When We Sing to Him

 Isaiah 12:5 states that we should sing unto the Lord because He does excellent things.  Jeremiah 20:13 reminds us that He delivers us from evil-doers.  Likewise, Exodus 15:2 states, “The LORD is my strength and song, and he hath triumphed glorious­ly…”  Psalm 59:17 states, “Unto thee, O my strength, will I sing: for God is my defense, and the God of my mercy.”  Two of the most outstanding verses in the Bible concerning the value of singing praises to God are Psalm 69:30 & 31.  “I will praise the name of God with a song and will magnify him with thanksgiving.  This also shall please the Lord better than an ox or bullock that hath horns and hoofs.”  We know that obedience is better than sacrifice (I Samuel 15:22), but these verses tell us the singing of praises to God is also better than sacrifice.  So, singing praise to God is not only pleasant but is also a means of grace to the believer. 

Zephaniah 3:17 states, “The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing.”  Of all the other valuable reasons for the corporate body of believers to sing, the fact that the mighty presence of God is promised to those who sing unto Him is the greatest reason to sing.  God has not only promised His presence but, also, He has promised that He will joy over us when we sing unto Him.  Perhaps Zephaniah 3:17 sheds light on Psalm 89:15, “Blessed is the people that know the joyful sound: they shall walk, O LORD, in the light of thy countenance.”  Also, 1 Chronicles 15:16 mentions producing joyful sound, “And David spake to the chief of the Levites to appoint their brethren to be the singers with instruments of musick, psalteries and harps and cymbals, sounding, by lifting up the voice with joy.”

Monday, August 8, 2022

Why Musicians Do What They Do—Part 2


Why Musicians Do What They Do—Part 2

One approach to discussion is for the thesis thinker to start by stating as clearly and precisely as is possible exactly what he or she believes philosophically about the nature and value of music.  It is a mistake to start by asking post-modern or post-post-modern man to prove anything about music philosophy.  The only thing that one can do is offer biblical, examples, warnings, admonitions, and absolutes concerning music.  Remember that, to twenty first century man, music philosophy is often non-discussible, non-rational, non-logical, and is without congruent explanation.

Many Christian musicians in this century believe that the Bible contains but does not necessarily embody truth, or is the whole truth or true-truth.  To these musicians truth is mixed with error.  It is often hard for the thesis thinker to understand that many Christian musicians actually believe that the Bible not only contains truth concerning music but that also it contains error. These synthesis-thinking musicians have a non-rational, non-logical autonomous faith in Christ that is not totally Bible based.  Their autonomous faith goes beyond the truth of Scripture since synthesis faith is based on their personal encounter with Christ that does not come under the scrutiny of Scripture.  These musicians may not even believe in the deity of Christ, the Trinity, the virgin birth, a literal hell, eternal punishment, the witness of the Spirit, a personal relationship with Christ, or a literal creation or original sin.  So, it is important that you operate from the presupposition that the Bible is the infallible, completely accurate, inspired Word of God and that it does not contain a mixture of truth and error.

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Why Musicians Do What They Do—Part 1


Why Musicians Do What They Do—Part 1


This blog often considers how people think.  If one wishes to gain insight into why musicians do what they do, then one must learn not only “what they think”, but also “how they think”.  As has been stated, modern, postmodern, and post postmodern   synthesis thinkers not only think different things about music, they also think differently than the thesis thinkers do about music.  They think from a different epistemology.

The reason one must know how they think is that understanding their way of “knowing” will enable a thesis thinker to discuss the non-discussible with the synthesis thinker.  Remember that the non-rational, non-logical autonomy of the synthesis thinker removes all need or responsibility of discussing or defending one’s philosophical basis of musical thought since this thinker considers that he or she is a free independent thinker without responsibility to anyone or any philosophy. Many times this Christian musician believes that he or she is on a winding musical journey with God that results in   constant philosophical change. If this musician is in a leadership position, leader-shift is considered a strength rather than a confusing and upsetting dilemma for those who are trying to follow his or her musical direction.

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Philosophy and the Lordship of Christ-part 2


Philosophy and the Lordship of Christ-part 2

  We cannot trust public education to produce Christ-centered musicians who have a Christocentric music philosophy.  Christians never should have trusted the world to formulate music philosophy for Christian young people.  It has always been the responsibility of Christians to train their own. Although many Christian parents have ignored it, the world has never been a friend of grace.  Could you imagine the ancient Hebrews calling in the Philistines to train their Levite sons?  The 20th century church did just that--they called in the worldly musicians who outwardly profaned the name of Christ to train church musicians.  The result was generation after generation of Christian musicians filled with Philistine philosophy. 

One thing for sure, public education will not directly teach the next generation of church musicians’ wrong things about God because they are not allowed to teach God in their music knowledge.  Although federal law has mandated that public education can no longer retain God in our educational knowledge, the fact that they will not directly teach false concepts of God does not indicate that no “God-education” will take place in public schools and universities.  By eliminating God as the Creator and Lord of music education, public education relays strong false messages about the nature and value of music to our young people.  Public education can no longer recognize God in the development of a philosophical basis for music education.  As a matter of fact, teaching God as the basis of all philosophical thought is forbidden.  The only safe path in public education is to omit the authority of God in any philosophical discussion of music.  In public education, no sacred music concerts are legal, and the sacred classics may only be taught or performed as music literature.  It is often mandated that there be no Christmas or Easter concerts.  The only time that it is totally legal to mention God in the music classroom is when the music instructor stubs his toe on the desk leg. 


Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Philosophy and the Lordship of Christ-part 1


Philosophy and the Lordship of Christ-part 1

Christian musicians often question the necessity of developing a series of systematic beliefs concerning the nature and value of the whole of music.  Furthermore, they often seem to believe that those values set forth by major public colleges and universities are adequate for Christian musicians.  After all, aren’t the elements of music the same for Christians and non-Christians?  The philosophy of a musician who does not bring all his musical endeavor under the Lordship of Christ should never be trusted. You can trust an unregenerate musician to be worldly in his or her philosophical basis.  Remember, direction determines destiny!  Any musician who believes the end of all human endeavor is the gratification of self will ultimately come to different philosophical conclusions than a musician whose life is sold out to Christ.

 For the committed Christian, music begins and ends with God.  To the humanist, music begins and ends with self.  The musician who has submitted his or her music to the Lordship of Christ believes that all church music is sung and played to glorify God since God owns music.  Conversely, the secular humanists (and the religious humanist) believes that music belongs to man’s true humanness since all music is about self-actualization.  This type of thinker owns his or her music.