Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Some Musicians Remind Me of Fancy Pigeons—part 1


Some Musicians Remind Me of Fancy Pigeons—part 1

          Some musicians remind me of Fan Tail pigeons.  A Fan Tail pigeon’s tail feathers stick up like a fan when they strut around.  Their tail feathers do not have to stick up but most of the time they do because they seem to be strutting every time I see them. Over the years I have observed some Christian musicians that seem to be strutting around every time I see them in or out of church.   Their actions seem to be the opposite of the humility and selflessness that I have observed in other Christians who have devoted their entire life to honoring God with their musical talents.

          My prayer is, “Lord, help me to music for Your glory in such a way that my musicing will leave the sweet smelling savor of musical incense burned up before Your presence.  Let me so music unto you in such a way that I may lift up Your name before those who come to worship You.  Also precious Lord, please give me the wisdom to not let my actions remind people of a Fan Tail pigeon strutting around the church platform!”


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