Monday, February 28, 2022

Concerning Secular and Sacred Music part 5


Concerning Secular and Sacred Music part 5

When a Christian’s worldview of the whole of music and musicing is divided into two categories called sacred and secular, this view of the whole of music does not form a negative or erroneous philosophical dichotomy.  Such philosophical understanding and classification system of music and musicing has historically been understood for centuries by musicologists, music philosophers, music educators, church musicians, and musical performers.  Therefore, it makes sense to believe that the essential character of sacred and secular music is many times different, though admittedly not always polar opposites. these two musics are often, though not always, philosophically at loggerheads with each other when they have opposing natures and purposes.  For this reason, and for other reasons, lumping all music and musicing in the life of a Christian into one category, erroneously called a sacred experience and or a musical offering unto God, is a serious error of philosophical judgment.  Even though the whole of life is sacred, not all of a Christian musician’s doing is a spiritual offering unto God.

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