Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Will God protect His Musicians?


Will God protect His Musicians? 

       I Samuel 24, “and it came to pass, when Saul was returned from the Philistines, that it was told him saying, Behold, David is in the wilderness of Engedi.”  In the 27th Psalm “…David said in his heart, I will now perish one day by the hand of Saul…”  In a time of trouble David became convinced that Saul was going to succeed in his quest to kill him.  So, what did David do?  He went down to Gath in the Land of the Philistines. David made friends with King Lachish and lived in Ziklag because he did not trust God.  The result was that Ziklag was burned to the ground and their wives and children were kidnapped while David was out fighting for king Lachish.

       If we are not careful we, as God’s ministers of music, will decide that someone is going to get us.  Like David, we will decide to give up and go live with the “Philistines”.  We will forget that God was able to protect David and He is also able to take care of us at our post of ministry.  God is able to even protect us from a wicked church boss.       Musician, look up, God is abundantly able to keep and protect you right where you are.  Hebrews 13:5b reminds us, “I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.”  He can and will take care of you out there in “Smirgly Junction” where it seems like there is no one to help you.

       David went to Ziklag; Jonah ran from God’s call to Nineveh and got eaten by a big fish.  David thought and Jonah thought and it got them in trouble.  Quit thinking and start trusting.  If you have to think, think about God’s might, power, great love, and ability to keep and protect you.


Prayer for the Day


      I want to thank you LORD that many of my troubles do not come to “stay” but rather they merely “come to pass”.  LORD, forgive me for not trusting you.  You are big enough and wise enough to take care of my situation right now.  LORD please help me to trust you more.  You are able to keep the enemy of my soul from overcoming me.  Help me to be faithful exactly where you have placed me to minister musically to others.  This is my earnest prayer.  Amen.


Song for the Day God Will Take Care of You  by Civilla D. Martin

Thought for the Day

If you are a Christian musician who is always developing a conspiracy theory, you will find that your physical and spiritual energy will be drained most of the time. 

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