Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Under the Juniper Tree at Christmas Time


Under the Juniper Tree at Christmas Time

I Kings 19:4 states, “But he himself went a day’s journey into the wilderness, and came and sat down under a juniper tree: and he requested for himself that he might die; and said, It is enough; now, O LORD, take away my life; for I am not better than my fathers.” 

       Elijah was depressed after Jezebel had slain the prophets. Chief musician are you depressed now that it time for all the activities of Christmas. Are you depressed? How did you get in this mess this close to the blessed time of Christ’s birth? Is jezebel after you because you didn’t give her a solo in the Christmas program? Are some of the tight wad board members complaining that you have spent too much money? Did God hear you say this morning, “It is enough, I quit”? Are you, at this moment, looking for a juniper tree? Have you gone about a day’s journey into the wilderness of depression?

       Elijah had forgotten that Jehovah had just answered his prayer by fire from heaven and that God had sent a great rain upon the land. When Elijah had prayed a simple prayer and God had answered and now Elijah was soaked in self-pity and was deeply depressed. How could he have been so depressed as to wish to die?

       Are you catching on? How can we, as chief musicians, wonder how Elijah could have been so depressed, but we get depressed over much smaller issues than Jezebel killing God’s prophets. So, learn from the story of Elijah that we must never forget what god has done for us time and time again throughout our Christian walk with Christ. Do not let a current situation keep you from enjoying this Christmas season.

Prayer for the Day

I am asking you Lord to enlarge my passion to help those to whom I minister too musically to lift up their voices with great strength. Please help me to burst forth into joy as we sing and play the good news during this Christmas season. Christ is born. Christ is risen. Christ is alive and well. Lord fill me the strength and joy to music unto you during this Christmas season.  Let me so live that my choir and orchestra will experience my passion and glorify my father which is in heaven. May those who music with me make a tremendous ruwa (7321) of praise to You the Christ of Christmas. These things I pray in your name. Amen.

Chorus for the Day “Jesus, Name Above All Names” by Naida Hearn 

Thought for the Day  

If most people were just half as enthused about the good news of Christ’s coming as they are about their favorite football team, everyone around them would hear about Christ’s birth during this Christmas season.

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