Thursday, October 1, 2020

And Can It Be?


Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

And Can It Be?

I am amazed that the mighty love of God reached a farm boy in Eastern Kansas.  I know that the wages of sin is death.  I understand that the law and justice of God demands penalty for sin.  Even when I was a bitter young man that did not love and serve Jesus Christ, I never doubted the existence of God or that I would have to someday pay for my sin.  I never doubted that God new and saw my rebellion against Him.

          As I look back on those rebellious years, I understood God to be stern more than loving.  I did not understand the infinite grace of God that sent His Son to die for me.  I did not fully understand that Christ “Emptied Himself of all but love”.  It still amazes me that “He left His Father’s throne above, So free , so infinite His grace!” 

          “And can it be that I should gain an interest in the Savior’s blood?  Charles Wesley explained my sinful depraved condition very well when he wrote, “Long my imprisoned spirit lay, fast bound in sin and nature’s night.”  However, praise be to God, “Thine eye diffused a quickening ray, I woke; the dungeon flamed with light!  My chains fell off; my heart was free.  I rose, went forth and followed Thee.” 

          Wesley caught the reality of the born-again experience when he penned the words, “No condemnation now I dread; Jesus, and all in Him, is mine!  Alive in Him, my living Head,  And clothed in righteousness divine, Bold I approach the eternal throne and claim the crown, through Christ, my own.”  Praise God for His love that made it possible for this Kansas farmer to be forgiven and freed from a life or rebellion and sin.


Song for the Day  And Can it Be? By Charles Wesley

Prayer for the Day

My dear Heavenly Father I want to thank You for sending Your Son Jesus Christ into this sin cursed world to die for me.  Thank You that Christ really died to pay the penalty for my sins.  I am not worthy to have an interest in my Savior’s love.   Thank You that Christ emptied Himself of all but love for me.  Thank You that instead of wrath, I received mercy.  Thank You for amazing love that reached a sinner like me.  This I am thankfully praying.  Amen.

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