Sunday, May 24, 2020

Musical and Social Meaning… Part 16

Musical and Social Meaning… Part 16
Copyright © 2020 by Garen L. Wolf I

Parts 1-18
All rights reserved. No part of this monograph may be used or reproduced in any
manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief 
quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
For more information contact
Garen L. Wolf I
8394 Pippin Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45239  

Worship leaders need to be constantly concerned with what musical cognition and metacognition is capable of doing to the whole life of those who experience music and who participate in corporate musicing. Since paralanguage has the propensity to partially or even completely change the original meaning of sacred music, all sacred music must be carefully vetted before it is utilized in the context of public worship.  If worship leaders do not give the practice of musicing unto God and musicing unto each another much careful vetting before performing the music, they may do much harm to those to whom they minister and to those who minister musically with them.  Although rejecting all or most of the music that is new without having a good reason to do so is often a mistake, ignoring traditional sacred music that has proven to be useful and valuable for decades or even centuries is also a serious oversite. 

When I read Romans 12:2 in the light of knowledge made aware to Christian musicians by scientific research concerning how music triggers the mirror neuron system of the human brain and stimulates emotional states in the performer and the listener I am sobered.  “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God” holds new meaning to Christian musicians.  Centuries before the BRECVEMA Model research, under divine inspiration, St. Paul was aware of the fact that it will take God’s transforming power to undo mental conformation to the way the world thinks and does.  There are many ways in which the world implants the spirit of this age (aion 165) into a person’s mind and thereby squeezes people into its mold—the way that the world musics is certainly one of the ways. 

St. Paul knew that only a divine metamorphoo (3339) i.e. a complete mental transformation can undo the mental damage that the influence of the way that the world musics.  Therefore he did not merely recommend making some adjustments but rather a complete transformation.   Remember that verse one of Roman’s 12 teaches that the “brethren” (Christians) should “present” and become “a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.”  Remember that verse one teaches that the “brethren” (Christians) should “present” and become “a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.”  God can transform the mental thought patterns of those who have been damaged mentally and spiritually by music, but only if the persons involved will “present” and place their will to God’s  authority.

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