Saturday, May 16, 2020

Musical and Social Meaning… Part 12

Musical and Social Meaning… Part 12

Understanding the total fabric and landscape of the music a worship leader utilizes in the context of public worship is essential.  How the formal properties of the music are arranged is important. The ingredients of music (the fabric of the music) matters, and the associations that surround it giving it an unavoidable landscape has moral implications.  Two brands of medication that help control gastric reflux were recently pulled from druggist’s shelves because they both contained a carcinogen.  Thousands of people took this cancer causing chemical because these users blindly trusted without understanding what the medications contained.
 Uninformed church leadership and  worship leaders often proceed with the same blind trust.  Ministers of music should not use music simply because they found it on the shelf of some music store, on the internet or because using it is trendy.  Remember that the powerful musical discourse in Ephesians chapter 5 is prefaced by the admonition in verse10, “Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord” and Ephesians 5:15 also warns, “See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise…”

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