Thursday, April 16, 2020

Traditional Church Music—part 2

Traditional Church Music—part 2 
          Yesterday we considered traditional church music and its use in public worship.  Although traditional church music may at times be fraught with problems—so are many other styles of music that are now being used in public worship.  As nervous church leaders who are deeply involved in leader-shift are sweeping the worship service clean of those things like solid oak pulpits, grand pianos, organs, church steeples etc. all traditional church music is most often added to the pile.
          Many church musicians consider all traditional forms of church music to be the culprit responsible for all or most of the church’s problems.  Writers who are conservative are often accused of making sweeping generalities about current problems of music styles that are now being used in public worship. However, the removal of hymns, gospel hymns, gospel songs because they are no longer useful is a much more egregious sweeping generality.  So, every genre of music used as a concomitant to the good news of the gospel of our Savior Jesus Christ must be individually evaluated as to its usefulness in the context of worship.

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