Wednesday, January 22, 2020

God Hears the Postlude Too

God Hears the Postlude Too
After the worship service the other Sunday, I was shocked at the canned music that was playing on the sound system.  It was as if we were communicating that Worship was over and God had left the Sanctuary so we could sneak in some  rock-based music.  I guess we had a memory lapse that God is omni-present.  We, as musicians, are not able to sneak away from his presence.
          If we need to be careful of our musical choices during the worship service, and we do, we also need to be careful after the service is over as well.  If we believe that God is Lord over the music we use in the context of worship, and we do, He is Lord of the music we utilize after the service is over.  The world is very confused about music, so I suggest that we should not confuse them more.  What we say we believe should be practiced as we leave the sanctuary.
Thought for the Day
If churches would publish a music philosophy which includes systematic statements concerning the nature, value and meaning of music, they would not have to spend so much time putting out music fires.

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