Sunday, July 7, 2019

The New Song-part 1

The New Song-part 1
          The words "new song" are mentioned in the Bible nine times.  In the Old Testament they are recorded six times in the Book Of Psalms (33:3, 40:3, 96:1, 98:1, 144:9, and 149:1) and once in Isaiah 42:10.  In the New Testament, new song is found only in the Book of Revelation 5:9 and 14:2.  Philosophers have not said much about the biblical principle of new song and I have never read after any music philosopher who even mentioned it.      Writers on church music most often misunderstand these references and use them as proof texts to support the idea of contemporary Christian music.  Others suppose them to mean that we are commanded to compose new musical compositions.  Often in my music of the Bible class students have queried, "Are we required to write and perform new songs?"                
There certainly is a continuing need for new music literature to meet the needs of the church today.  It is also a fact that if Christian musicians do not perform this new music, it will not get performed.  I am convinced that God is pleased when his "chief musicians" compose and arrange new music that follows Bible principles of musicing.   However I am convinced that these Bible references To "New Song" do not connote musical compositions that are "new" in relation to time.  These verses in the Bible have a different meaning and we will be discussing this meaning in the next few blog posts.

Thought for the Day
It should be no mystery that after a Christian's" new birth" spiritually he or she will have a "new song” because this person has a new heart and is a "new creature in Christ Jesus".  

1 comment:

  1. So very glad to find your blog! You have had such an impact on my philosophy of Christian music! May God continue to bless you in all you do for God’s kingdom.

    Marsha(Shaw) Hartman
