Saturday, January 5, 2019

Being a Conservative Christian Musician- part 2

Being a Conservative Christian Musician- part 2

           There are several questions that perplex me about what is currently happening in the realm of church music. How can a musician in good conscience believe 2 Corinthians 6:17 which very clearly commands, “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,” and make no definite  separation in the way he or she musics unto God? Is separation from the world a misnomer (a wrong or inaccurate use of a name or term) when it come to a Christian’s musicing?  How can Christian musicians ignore over a half century of serious concern by a host of careful believers who have observed  the alarming changes that have been made and are currently being made in church music?  Why do so many musicians take their musical cues from liberal church musicians and worse yet—nonbelievers who write and perform religious music are not concerned in the slightest bit about spiritual things or the direction of church music?
          I am concerned about the writings of Christian musicians who consider themselves to be conservatives and at the same time are supporting massive musical style change. They claim that these huge changes are necessary because   church music and the musicians who perform this music are: out of touch with reality, not seeker sensitive, and that traditional sacred music is outdated and incapable of being an efficacious means of musicing unto God.  Although there is much evidence that the musicing of many church musicians is no longer efficacious, there is no body of evidence that the culprit is the music itself.   Although there is much “death” in the musical city, this death is not caused by traditional sacred music but rather by the spiritually dead musicians who are doing the musicing.

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