Sunday, February 11, 2018

You Are What You Music

You Are What You Music

            It is reported that Dr. Jack Hyles said, “You are not going to be what you decide to be, you are going to be what you decide to be around.”   I want to thank God that I had the opportunity to be around Christian musicians while I was growing up that were more interested in God receiving glory from their musicing than they were with being on the cutting edge of musical worship style change.  I often wonder where I would be today if I had grown up around Christian musicians who were more interested in becoming famous or well-known than they were in musicing in ways that brought honor and glory to God.

            Musically speaking, a young church musician becomes what he or she musics.  A young musician makes choices of the music that he or she will listen to and perform.  It is sobering when I realize that Dr. Hyles was right when he said, “you are going to be what you decide to be around”.  Not is that statement true of young musicians but also of adult musicians as well.  So every Christian musician must develop systematic Bible based beliefs about the nature and value of music to help to guide his or her musicing and musicing throughout life.  There is no doubt about it, When it comes to what a musician listens to and performs throughout life will play a major factor in the development of that person’s moral character.  Every now and then the Christian musician must take thought of what the types of music he or she is involved in are doing to that person’s whole-life.  A young musician becomes not only what he eats but also what he musics. 

Prayer for the Day

My precious Lord and Savior I want to thank you for giving me the opportunity at an early age to music unto You and to sing Your everlasting truths to others.  I also want to thank You for allowing me to be surrounded by Christians who loved and served You with musical offerings that brought honor and glory to Your matchless name.  I am asking You to help me to share the rich musical heritage that I experienced with others.  Lord, thank You for giving me the unbelievable privilege to share my musical with those who did not love and serve You over many year of my life.  My heart is filled with praises to You for the many musical blessings that I have received.  These thanks I give to You.  Amen

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