Fresh Vision of God-part 2
one reads the Old Testament accounts of the prophets it is apparent that when
they saw visions of God it made a profound change in their attitudes and
focus. For instance, Isaiah said, “Woe
is me” and Ezekiel said, “I fell on my face”.
When they saw God in proper perspective, they then saw themselves in
proper perspective. Finally, both
prophets, when they saw the Lord high and lifted up and saw His vision, heard
the voice of God.
one of us who are church musician should ask the question, “How long has it
been since I heard from heaven; since I have heard the voice of God?” If we as church musicians are bored, or our
ministry is stale, or if we are facing burn out, there is hope if we will get a
renewed vision of God. If for some
reason we are in bondage to the trendy notions of others, or are about
convinced that the time-honored music of the church will not reach the hearts
of men and women today, Isaiah 10:27 is
saying to us, “...the yoke shall be broken because of the anointing”. We can have the dunamis of the Spirit to give
life and vitality to our music ministry.
St. John the divine reminds us in The Revelation 1:10, “I was in the
Spirit on the Lord’s Day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a
trumpet...” I believe that Christian
musicians in this century are able to hear God’s voice and have the leadership
of the Holy Spirit upon their musicing.
John the divine also saw a vision of God’s throne, the book with the seven
seals, and the music of the four beast and four and twenty elders who witnessed
the opening of the Book. Revelation 5:9
records, “And they sang a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book
and to open the seals thereof: for Thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God
by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation…” Because St. John the divine was “in the Spirit”,
the Holy Spirit was able to let him in on some of the secrets of the glory
for the Day
If we stay on our knees until God
reveals his will to us, the struggle of prayer may not always be a “Sweet Hour
of Prayer” but, the result of knowing His will is most certainly “sweet”.
for the Day Guide Me, O Thou
Great Jehovah by
William Williams
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